Welcome to Simple Nonduality

This is an evolving site with posts and insights from Ma Prem Zareen as we engage with awakening humanity into an interconnected world.

We are currently exploring the reality of native teachings as the primal nature of all beings.

Enlightenment teachings are how to reclaim that state. Native stories are what it’s like to live there. I don’t teach native spirituality. I am simply pointing to that to say, “See. We’ve been there, worldwide, before. We can be there, worldwide, again.”

Nondual teachings, in their current state are not going to get us there. We need this intersection with the natural human world to shift us.

There is so much fantasy and noise in the traditions of enlightenment teachings. The loss of the native reality is preventing the awakening of millions. Awakening has been misinterpreted as a rare occurrence. It’s been sold as reaching perfection, and the end of all suffering, and this is dragging down the world at a time when we need to wake and get ourselves on a track of sustainability and peace.

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