Let’s Talk!

I welcome questions but often don’t have time to keep up with it. This one page offers a place to post a comment. I’ll occasionally go through them and delete out the spam. Actual questions will be approved to the page and replied to.

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  1. Dear MaPremZareen,

    I am following your YouTube Channel regularly. I find it very down to earth, human and normal if I may say that. I am on the spiritual path for almost 10 years. I must say there is a lot of crap out there. I hope you can comment briefly on something that I discovered for myself along the way….beyond the “I” thoughts there is a kind of impersonal presence, a kind of energy, that can be sensed, delicate not penetrant that probably the real “I” is. That is ofcourse not the right word for it, because it is always there, never changing and kind of neutral no matter what happens…good or bad. Is that what we all are or is that some kind of a trap along the way….do you have a piece of advice on the topic. Thank you in advance. Best wishes.

    1. Yes. That is you. That’s why ‘you’ can’t look at ‘it.’ Exactly the same as your phone can’t take a picture of yourself. So stop looking for it, or imagining it and allow yourself to be it. There is nothing special about it. The exact opposite of special.

  2. Hello, I’m interested in doing a non-consultation.
    But if you’re not available, I had a single question.

    Assuming I am truly ‘awake’, how do my choices differ from when I was asleep. I like to think that my choices matter, but maybe I’m getting confused with the idea of free-will.

    1. Choices are still choices. Only difference is in your clarity and ability to live your life. Being truly awake isn’t a magic bullet for living because all is one and all is entwined. You become awake, but then are still living in a mostly-asleep humanity. All of us moving along together. Hopefully that idea gives more urgency to what we are doing here. It’s about everyone and everything. We need a fully awake Buddha Bike!

  3. Hi Ma Prem. Just came across you on YouTube and really like your clear perspective on things.

    Wondering if we could have a chat and see if you can help clear up a few things I’m struggling with.

    1. I apologize for not having as much time as I would like to engage. What would be helpful is to work with the materials I’m putting together online, in videos and in my books and let me know what sparks opening for you. Things constantly change and we don’t know what will happen next.

  4. Hey there
    I Came across your youtube channel in the past and thought it could be fruitful to speak with you about my current “spiritual situation”.
    Also I just saw your latest video and the idea of native wisdom that you speak of is pretty interesting
    I’d love to chat if you’re for it

    1. We all share a spiritual situation! That’s for sure. If you subscribe to my newsletter, and reply to an issue, I hopefully be able to grab some time to reply. The you of you inside sees clearly.

  5. Hello, my name’s William from Philadelphia. Your video ” satori and samadhi”
    Resonated with me.

    Moments thru out the day l experience the former; “the returning back to repeatedly.
    I guess I confused said with samadhi.
    Related-yogi knowledge now feels like filler, having recognized simple-pure being. I’m starting to feel turned off by all-related videos.

    But, my mind keeps trying to understand all the intricacies and layers of “consciousness”.
    But all these conclusions; ideas are 2nd hand sourced via videos/my guru.

    Or perhaps it’s memory modified to appear original or asbreakthrough insight or understanding. It’s fustrating.

  6. Hi ,🙏my name is Stuart, 49yrs. Living with my wife an off-grid, nomadic lifestyle in the Spanish mountains for 6yrs. This time in nature has given space and beauty that the seeking energy could never of imagined. The sense of a person here has been seen through mentally and energetically it feels.
    I have enjoyed your talks on YT for a short while and feel magnetised to talk with you (you are the first speaker I’ve reached out to)
    I have next to no money to offer you, but I can offer priceless appreciation! And perhaps my artwork will bring enjoyment for you. I could help you with online work even, whatever feels naturally supporting for us both?

    If you are busy with others or not enclined to delve in for free, I understand. 🤗

    1. Finally I’m getting to my comments! I’m not having a lot of time at the moment, and I took the idea of a donation off my website. Nice to hear from you. I also spent many years living in nature and that’s the best teacher.