1. Meditation 101

https://youtu.be/rZdfl1BCA28 Meditation. Why should we do it and how to meditate effectively? Do some research on meditation and you’ll see that everyone, neuroscientists, doctors, therapists have found that simply relaxing as much as you can while conscious (which is what meditation is) is so healthy. It’s physically healthy. It’s mentally healthy. It should be added …

4. Spirituality and Meditation

https://youtu.be/lhN0lw7W4Qk Spirituality and Meditation This is number four in my meditation series, and we are now becoming experts at meditation. Good job everyone! So, if you’ve been spending time sitting quietly with yourself, you’re going to start noticing that when the mind quiets something else is there. It’s hard to describe what it is. Because …

6. Meditation and Enlightenment

https://youtu.be/_Vaszmsygno Meditation lesson number six. What about enlightenment? So now that we’ve become really good meditators. What about enlightenment? Is it a thing? Well… Just think about it. You’ve had so much experience now with your mind. You’ve been simply sitting there watching it. You’ve been listening to yourself. You’ve been watching your mind as …

7. Trust in Human Nature is Fundamental for Awakening

https://youtu.be/QD60bnzYKKI Trust in our human nature is fundamental for awakening.  Now I know, I’m saying the exact opposite of what you’ve heard. This is so important, because what we hear all the time is that enlightenment is difficult, that it takes lifetimes and lifetimes and lifetimes. But think about it. What we’ve also heard is …

8 Enjoy Yourself

https://youtu.be/ePNnTaOI9CE So now, in our series of videos about meditation, we’ve been slowly working toward accepting ourselves more fully. This requires an awakened state, sitting silently. If you’re really busy all the time you’ll miss seeing yourself. If you’re watching TV, or you’re reading a book, or you’re talking with friends, or you’re going somewhere, …