10 The Both Brain Experience

The Both Brain Experience 

Now we are getting real experience in accessing these two different sides of ourselves: The thinking critical left brain, and the mystical spatial right brain.

Now. Practice shifting back and forth between the two.

Again, this is very much like building a muscle. We’re not trying to get away from the left brain. Your thoughts are important. They are an important part of you and who you are. There are a lot of experiences you’ve had through your life that are built up and remembered in that great brain of yours. There’s all those voices are worth listening to (as long as you know they are NOT you).

It’s a great brain, but that’s not the whole of you.

Practice switching back and forth on purpose.

Try out your critical mind for a bit. What am I thinking about? Pay attention to yourself while you are meditating.

Then switch over to the silent side.What is my empty self up to over here? Switch over then back.

What’s up with all my worries? What’s going on?

How’s the silent part of me again? How’s that doing?

Switch back and forth. Get a solid sense of how you can be in control of your experience.

Strength during your day

This will be very beneficial for you throughout your day. So say you’re having a really stressed out day, or some crisis happens. You’ll know your brain and be familiar with it. You can go. Oh. Wait a minute, I know how to switch between different aspects of myself. Switch off panic if you need to. Switch on calmness.
The Fascinating Brain
Now here’s a really cool neuroscience tip. They say that. During the day, your brain actually accumulates like goo, like like shunk goo. And what happens when we sleep is that the brain relaxes and all the little neurons and everything we’re able to go in there and clean up the goo. And so that’s why when you’re. Really tired. Short. Oh man, I did. You know that heavy feeling? You know, you can’t really think. It’s also why, if you have a really terrible problem, you can actually take a nap and actually sleep. It like, clears actual physical goo out of your brain. The same thing. Can happen. When you when you meditate, you’re just calming down and as you get better and better at it, you’ll be able to sit and meditate and just kind of let. That. Physical and the mental part of your brain. Relax. So we’re getting closer and closer into just really. Being the master of ourselves. 

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!