Spirituality and Meditation
This is number four in my meditation series, and we are now becoming experts at meditation. Good job everyone!
So, if you’ve been spending time sitting quietly with yourself, you’re going to start noticing that when the mind quiets something else is there.
It’s hard to describe what it is. Because it’s silence. Its nothing.
There is a huge part of your brain, a part of your mind, the vast majority of it in fact, that makes no noise. No noise.
In reality, there is no noise in your mind at all. Ever. There are no actual sounds in your head. If you’re an English, speaking person, your mind spits out thoughts all the time in English, but it actually makes no noise. It’s always completely quiet inside your head at all time. Noise requires vibration and what’s happening in your head is just that you are interpreting your thoughts as noise. It feels noisy.
It’s not.
So as you get better meditating, you’ll be able to notice that the imagined noise quiets down. Something else is there. It’s always there whether you’re noticing it or not. This is what we call the spiritual experience. The more you pay attention to that, the more the yacking brain quiets down, the more beautiful it is.
That’s really astonishing about meditation.
So much about us being humans is divisive and lacking. I mean, you could never be beautiful enough right? You could never be good enough as a human being. But when you start relaxing into that quiet spot, it’s so beautiful and so lovely. You might be surprised at the quality of the silent retreat that is inside you all the time.
Don’t give up if you are not getting it right this second. Keep going because the more you can sit and listen to the silence the more you’ll understand it.
Maybe that’s a good way to put it too.
Remember how we were listening to our mind in our previous lessons? Now just listen to that silence. The more you can do that the quicker and easier it will be to activate it at any time during your life. Say you’re totally stressed out or you’re standing in line or whatever. You know how to relax into it whenever you want. You’ll become a much more relaxed person.
There are tons of studies that say that this actually makes you smarter and cleverer and you will be easier to get along with two.
This is the real spirituality. It has no actual qualities to it at all. It’s just silence and beauty. And you have a dose of it inside yourself all the time.