3. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation.

Yoga is another thing that is delivered to us through spiritual teachings as very very complicated. There are so many different types of yoga, and they all have different goals. You have so many paths to enlightenment, and they make it sound like you have to decide. Like, which one is the best one?

Yoga traditions can get really complicated. So let’s simplify yoga. Let’s just call it moving our meditation in to life, or meditating while moving.

If you can find a yoga class it’s really good to participate. Stretching is very healthy. Being with other people is very healthy. It’s really good, before you’re going to sit down and do a meditation, to do a stretch. This honors your body.

Remember in our previous lessons, we’ve been just listening to our minds and paying attention to it. Now pay attention to your body as well. We need to be healthy. We need to be vibrant. Stretch and then do your meditations.

This video is number three in a series on meditation and hopefully you’re doing them in Order. Spend a little time doing each of the ideas in each one. We’ve been talking about a five minute meditation time. Perhaps you’re going longer than five minutes now. It doesn’t matter. But now, take what you’re doing during your meditation and return to it during the da when you’re moving. The more you can extend this into your life the better. Like your life is going to be better.

The other thing you can do, is, if you’re doing these five minute meditations is to do that more often throughout the day. You can actually blend it. While you’re doing a yoga pose or while you’re on a walk out in nature, bring yourself back to your mindfulness meditation. Where you’re listening to yourself.

And it’s the same thing. Your mind drifts off, and then you come back. Whenever you come back out that was nice. That was a nice little journey. And if you ever have moments that are just quiet. Enjoy that during the day. It’s a fabulous thing. You’re doing the dishes, and just do the dishes. Make it very simple.

You can use it to learn to simplify your life. Once you get the knack of that, then start reading some books about yoga and understanding all the various different types. You will be reading about it from a new perspective. You’ll see that oh, it’s about being present and this is what we’re learning in our meditation as well. 

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!