12. Easy Meditation Access with Laughter

Today is a good day to not get too full of ourselves.

We’re really good meditators now… right? We know how to be in bliss. We’re on the path. We’re highly evolved…


No, what we’re trying to become is really, really ordinary. So, in this lesson, I am teaching the most important meditation technique. And that is, don’t take yourself seriously.

The easiest way to do that is to start your meditation time with some laughter.

Laughter is a weird thing to do. I mean, I don’t even know if other animals laugh? It seems like such a human thing to do, and I think it’s just a response to the craziness in our brain, you know?

Laughter is actually a physical thing that you can do. It doesn’t have to be triggered, we can do it on purpose at any time. If you just start laughing, even for no reason at all, you will then start… Laughing. Because if you just laugh for no reason it’s ridiculous and you’ll be, “Oh… that’s so stupid!”

Next thing you know you are laughing at yourself. And then you’ll be laughing because you are laughing at yourself.


Not only is it the cure for taking yourself too seriously, it’s healthy. It fills you with air, lowers blood pressure, and perks you up. Give yourself a little laugh. Use that as the start of your meditations for a while, and see how that changes the quality of what you’re doing. 

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!