Save You From the Search

Save You From the Search 

My goal is to save you from the spiritual search. Crazy idea, huh? 

 The reason  is because life needs you. As long as you are searching for life, we don’t have the full you participating here with the rest of us.  

You’re Better Than You “Think” 

My experience is that people on the spiritual search are some of the best people. But too much is being wasted by long, lengthy, forever spiritual searches.  

So let’s just go ahead and get it done.  

How do you do that? The best way is with stories, because the human mind operates on stories. We are all crazy because we have been given difficult stories since birth. So, one of the best ways to wake up is to rewrite the story. We want to rewrite the story that tells you that you don’t know who you are. We have deep societal stories that are telling us we’re separated from the world. We have religions that tell us that you have to die in order to get to heaven and be one with everything.  

We have other religions that tell us: Oh no, you can actually reach enlightenment, but it’s going to take lifetimes and lifetimes and lifetimes to do it.  

Undo it All 

So. Let’s dive through the stories, but let’s not do it in a forever search. Because this is a doable thing.  

I wouldn’t have the goal of saving you from your spiritual search if I didn’t know that the solution is right there. That we can find it. That you are capable of finding this. 

And we need you. We need the full 100% you to be a full human being here on the planet with us right now.  

We got some Cleanup to do 

Humanity has this huge job to do, to clean up the mess that we’ve created. This mess has only been created in a handful of generations. It has been created so quickly that it’s not really as deep of a mess as you may think.  

And same thing with all the stories that you’ve been told. The stories that make a mess in your brain. The stories that are keeping you from knowing who you are.  

These stories can be undone and you can find who you are. 

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!