What’s the Point of Mulla Nasrudine?

Our story this week is a Mulla Nasruddine story. It’s from the Osho Rajneesh archives and is obviously a modern story of Nasruddine. That’s very interesting in itself because Mulla is this character that has been used to tell stories for centuries. Maybe he was a real fellow at one time, but he is used as a fictional character for all sorts of stories, to show us interesting aspects of ourselves.

This one is set in modern times and he’s walking into the psychiatrist office. But that’s not the point of it. Like all Mulla Nasruddine stories, and all Zen stories, the purpose is to bring us to that little point in our logical brains were stuff just doesn’t make sense. It’s the essence of a joke. It makes your brain stop for a second. You go… wait a minute? And get a little laugh.

That’s the moment of nothing, that moment of zero that we are really looking for. Feel it and know it. That’s the zero of awakening.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!