Egotistical Spiritual Teachers

We are so worried about egotistical spiritual teachers. Worried that one of them might go off the rails… Newsflash. Everyone is off the rails.

I mean, there is nothing more full of ego and crazy than any spiritual group of people. All the people who are clawing themselves up to be the best Kirtan leader, the best Zen leader, the best non-duality leader… most of them clawing up with their ego.

It’s such a tricky thing because the people who are clawing up with their egos often look so much better than the actual truly enlightened people. The awakened people who actually know what they’re talking about, the ones that should be the spiritual teachers, aren’t as glamorous. They don’t have so many quick little sayings about how to be spiritual.

I’ve noticed that I talk to people and they always have a saying. I’ll say some little thing and then they start in with their spiritual philosophies about this that and the other thing. The same repeated words.

So what do you do?

Look for the ordinary people.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!