The Zen of Geometry

Okay… so there was this non-duality teacher. He’s sitting out on the deck, the veranda, of the ashram with all of his students. Watching the sunrise.

He looks at it and asks, “If the world was flat what would the sunrise look like?”

The students are surprised and don’t know what to say…

He answers. “It would look just like this.”

Then he asks, “If the world was round. If it was revolving and moving around the Sun. What would the sunrise look like it?”

He answers his own question, “It would look like this.”

This is a perfect story about how our perceptions are often the thing we pay attention to, when it’s actually reality that matters. If you can take your perceptions down to the point where you know they are interpretations, down to the point of zero, and face life with complete curiosity then you can start to see seeds of the truth.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!