Bodhidharma and Trust

Our story yesterday is a pretty harsh story about Bodhidharma looking for a student. I don’t really know if it’s true. It’s a story that Osho told. So who knows?

This is an important story for several reasons. It’s shocking and so we remember it. The picture of that guy standing there with his hand cut off sticks in the mind! Also, it speaks a lot about the search for enlightenment. It’s not a game. You have to be really serious about making significant changes in your consciousness. At the beginning especially it’s not going to make you feel better. If you’re only looking to feel better you would do better to watch a good movie. Or do any sort of advertised spiritual practice you can find out in the spiritual marketplace.

On the other hand (pun intended), if you want to really find enlightenment you need to have a commitment to it. In the beginning you are trying to use the ego to slice off the ego. It’s a tricky business!

In this story the guy slices off his hand, right? Then he says – next I’m going to slice off my head!

Would you be willing to slice off your hand for something that you didn’t think you could achieve? He must have been so certain of himself. He was certain that if Bodhidharma would just turn around that he would find transformation.

Another really interesting point of the story is: here’s Bodhidharma, you know, one of the best spiritual teachers in history. And yet he couldn’t find anyone in India to talk to. In that vast spiritual country there was no one capable of paying attention. Everyone ignored him there. He had to go all the way to China.

The story is gory, yes, but these are two really really important takeaways. First of all there are enlightened people all over the place and they are looking for you. They are looking to teach you. Don’t be a person who can’t see.

Secondly, have dedication and a huge trust in your own ability. Be willing to slice off your hand and you’ll be willing to let the ego drop.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!