Simple Simple Simple

Non-duality simply says that you are not separate. The ocean of thoughts, that it feels like you’re constantly living in, is just waves running up on a beach. They do exist, but they are not you. They make you feel like you’re separate, and that’s why it’s good to examine them.

Zen just simply says you are not separate, and here… I’ll tell you a funny little story to show you that your thoughts can stop. That there’s places where thoughts simply don’t make sense, and when you hit one of those loops you just magically go into a place of zero.

Native American teachings come from a place of you are not separate; you are part of everything; what you do matters to the people around you. So you better work on being a decent human being.

I think that’s kind of the essence of all of these teachings.

Like, what’s the reason to be on a spiritual search at all? It’s so that you can live in this place of not being separate. So you can become a vital force of decency and good and beauty and Harmony… and all of those things. The world needs you awake.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!