Evolution of Consciousness is Real

The evolution of human consciousness has real components to it. We’re not trying to evolve some kind of gaseous Consciousness that’s floating around in the universe. There are real components to it that we can see and measure.

The Scientific thought process is a good example of the evolution of knowledge. We never have an instance where one person comes up with an idea that’s not based on the knowledge that other people have worked on. Every breakthrough is standing on the shoulders of giants. It happens when minds and ideas come together. The best breakthroughs happen when lots of people are working together on a project, on a problem.

The vaccine for Covid is a really good example of that. That was a processes that had been worked on by thousands of people across time and space. In laboratories, universities around the world. It was in idea that evolved.

Vaccines have been around for hundreds of years and they’ve been improving and improving. The processes have grown, and the way to put it together has evolved. The methods to distribute it have been built and expanded. The whole thing was an evolution of knowledge. It was actual knowledge that was being evolved consciously. It was worked on with creativity and passion.

We can do the exact same thing with spiritual processes. We don’t have to be stuck with only wisdom from the past.

Like, Buddha was amazing. He had this huge breakthrough and he shared it with lots of people. Then all those people took it and evolved it into something else. There are lots of people who say that Jesus heard about Buddhism and used that in his teachings. If that’s true then it means that his teachings were an evolution.

The same was true with Muhammad. He lived in a ripe spiritual society and was introduced to many ideas and concepts. Then he had a breakthrough that took it to the next level.

Today we have lots of awakened spiritual teachers who have this vast body of knowledge. We can come up with new ways to teach. We can make awakening more available to everyone.

This is all a part of the evolution of consciousness. We’re evolving the consciousness that’s inside of individual human beings, and the consciousness we share.

When you see this as you it turns out to be this vast nothingness and everything. You’re blended into everything. You’re not actually doing it yourself because we are evolving this new way for human beings to be. We are together joined into this consciousness. Individuals all together as one.

We’re also evolving the body of knowledge that exists. We are evolving our ability to come together in new and interesting ways.

Another good example of evolution of consciousness is the Dances of Universal Peace, I work with that and what we do is we get in the circle and we dance and we sing all sorts of different songs that come from spiritual traditions of the world.

This all started out from the idea of a man named Samuel Lewis. In the 60s he brought all a bunch of hippies together into a circle and got them dancing. Then the whole thing was taken up by hundreds of creative people, and we now have thousands of dance tunes with movements. People all around the world get together and dance. Dance leaders are writing new songs all the time. So it’s like this bloom of creativity. It’s a knowledge base of shared songs being worked on together. All the new songs bloom forth from people. All the new ways to move together makes our dance circles better and better. It’s more effective at raising the consciousness of the people that come to the dance circles all the time. So it’s a fabulous example of how consciousness is evolving.

The evolution of Consciousness is a real thing. We all participate in it.

Another thing about the dances is that you have all these dance leaders who are leading dances that other people have written. You have all these people who are writing new dances and new songs. Together they are bringing melody and movement into the circle.

But you also have all the dancers who come and dance. Everyone in the process is equally important. You have all the people who are organizing camps and putting them together. It’s a big big process to get a whole bunch of people together so they can dance in a circle.

All together it turns into this wonderful evolution of human consciousness that we can all participate in. So just know that your participation is vastly important. We need you.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!