Sufi Ideals Can Help and Hinder

Sufi ideals can help us and they can hinder. There are many beautiful Sufi practices blooming in in our Western world right now: practices of harmony and beauty, Dances of Universal Peace, breath practices, practices with Wazifas. Many of these things are very beautiful and they can help bring us in to harmony.

When we’re singing especially. When we’re singing with other people we quickly drop into a place of unity with everyone because our bodies harmonize. All of our body, the breath that comes in and the sound that comes out, blends together with everybody. This is particularly true if we’re fortunate enough to be in a circle; dancing and moving with people in song. These things quickly bring us into a place of unity.

It’s so wonderful to have these practices to do regularly.

On the other hand, they can easily become a hindrance in so many ways. One danger can raise it’s head if you join a group. This works with anything; you join a Christian group, you join a Buddhist group, and all of a sudden you become Us Versus Them. It happens so subtly. Human beings are designed this way. So it’s often what we do.

That’s the very easiest hindrance to look for. But another problem can be doing your practices so that it becomes a never ending searching. Particularly when the practices are really beautiful and really nice to do.

One way you can look at it is that it’s almost like a drug. You take a drug and you feel better. Then you’re not having to face the raw complexity of life. Unfortunately this can make it so you don’t grow. It’s the difficulties that really really hone us, and make us into the best human beings that we can.

So this is also another another easy thing to watch out for in your practices.

Don’t stop doing things that make you feel good . It’s good to come into unity and be with other people. It’s good to do your practices. Just know that’s not the end all of it. The actual reason for Sufi practices, and Buddhist practices and so many practices is to come solidly into this place of unity. This place where it’s an obvious state and you can stay there and not get lost from it. Then you become the rose flower blooming. Then you’re the fertilizer that’s helping everyone else bloom.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!