Offering a Prayer

There’s a big difference in offering a prayer or praying to something.

These are interesting things to think about because it opens our perception to who are we as human beings, and what are we are doing in this life.

When we’re praying to something we’re imagining a being beyond ourselves. We are often asking for something with the prayer. Or maybe we’re simply giving homage, which can so often feel like: I am small and worthless and I’m praying to this big thing out there that might help.

But when we’re simply offering a prayer that’s a totally different thing. It’s giving a small gift. When offering a prayer, the prayer is a gift. It’s a brief thing that you’re giving.

Offering a prayer puts us into a place of creativity. A place of peaceful power. It’s both humility and praise. I am a creature that can offer a prayer.

An offered prayer is a very simple thing. You don’t just make up a prayer. Instead you offer an actual thing, a prayer that has been given.

It’s like when you pray the Our father, or when you pray a particular prayer set, like the Rosary in the Christian tradition. Native traditions, as far as I can tell, all have particular prayers that are offered to different things.

Doing this puts me in a place of sacrifice. I’m sacrificing this small bit of time to offer this prayer.

Two important distinctions to contemplate.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!