Be here Here now

Be here, Here, right now. You all must be thinking, “Oh man, she’s really gone off her head now.” Maybe I have, but I’ve also learned something really, really interesting that is just so right on with non-duality; it’s going to help everybody.

There are some Native American philosophers who’ve been writing really great books and sending us information about what it was like to live in a natural state before civilization came upon us. One of the things that Tink Tinker says (I’ll be writing some book reports about him) is that native peoples lived in a ‘place based’ reality. A reality where place was the first thing a person would think of.

He notices that conquering civilizations (us) live in a time-based reality, and that time-based realities always lead to hierarchy. Hierarchy is what makes such insanity out of our civilizations.

Here is the perfect example: the fabulous spiritual saying, “Be here now.”

Most of us, when we hear that immediately think of time. Be here in the now. (Eckhart Tolle teaches this exact same thing, “Be in presence, always be in the present moment, be in the now”). Those teachings are talking about time. The idea is to not think about the future. Don’t think about the past. Be here now.

Hundreds of years ago or thousands of years ago, depending on what continent you’re on, if a person had heard something like that, “Be here now,” they would say, “Where? You mean right here? Right here on this ground?” To the native experience “Be here now,” is about a place.

Notice how easy that is to do!

Also notice how impossible it is to try to stop time and be here, in time, now. But it’s super easy is to be here in this place now.

I’m right here. You’re reading this from someplace else, some other time. That doesn’t matter, but you are there, sitting there, standing there, reading this.

So, change your idea of “be here now.” Change it from living in the moment to being right here in this place.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!