Our brilliant ancestors

Our brilliant ancestors. It does not make sense to think that we, here in this modern world, are smarter in any way than our ancient, ancient ancestors were 10,000 years ago, 30,000 years ago, 40,000 years ago.

Time to change the story.

The picture that we’re given is of savage brutes roaming the world. I mean, lots of times we actually get the picture that they were terrible, unhappy, selfish brutes just sitting around wishing they could be like us. I don’t think that’s true.

I think that when people were living completely with nature, they lived ripe, full, intelligent, connected lives and were using every bit of their brain. We wouldn’t have this huge head, and this big brain that uses so much resources, if it wasn’t being used all that time.

So, maybe a more useful way to look at it is that they had something that we’ve lost.

We have so many conveniences that make it so we don’t have to use our entire brain and consciousness. This is what nonduality is trying to bring us back to—a state where the layers of falseness are erased away, so the full brilliance of the human being is available for life.

That’s not two; that’s you and me, fully awake, involved in the unity that we are.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!