What’s nonduality like

What’s it like to be not two? That’s what non-duality is talking about all the time. Not two.

It tends to become a weird, crazy philosophy that people can argue about. What’s it like to live in the non-dual state?

I say this is the natural human condition.

The craziness everybody lives in is because we’ve been broken. Our consciousness has been cracked, and we’ve been divided. So, all we have to do is bring that division back into a state of unity.

The only thing that’s broken is the ideas in our head. Those don’t even really exist; they’re changeable, they’re malleable. With more information, better information, with uncovering lies, we can start coming back into ourselves as fully awake human beings.

That’s what non-duality is like.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!