Nonduality means don’t lie

Nonduality means, “Don’t lie.” Advaita.

It’s translated as ‘not two.’ What it means is that everything that we think we turn into an object because we’ve tagged it with a word. The word about is thing is not reality. Thinking can never describe this truth. It cannot describe who is seeing the truth. So just admit it. Don’t lie.

If you’re not there, don’t lie and pretend that you are. Don’t quote people and talk about concepts and theories. Just go, “I don’t get it. I don’t get it.” Because that, right there, is nonduality. Saying, “I don’t get it.” is true.

Saying, “I don’t understand how there can be ‘not two’.” is true. I mean, really? Not two. What does that even mean?

It’s a powerful position to tak. When you actually admit that you don’t get it the labeling thought process has to stop.

“I don’t get it.”

You’ll notice that any really good teacher will say, “I can’t describe it. I just can’t describe it.”

Words don’t do it. Thoughts can’t do it. Description can’t say who you are, what truth is. There’s no way to say it. There’s no way to think it.

But there is something underneath this thinking process. There’s a vast part of our being that has nothing to do with thinking. Thinking is very, very shallow. It comes and goes. It doesn’t really get there.

So stop lying. Stop pretending that you can think yourself through it. You can’t do it. The absence of a lie is the truth.

There is something. I can’t describe it. Don’t lie about it. Come down to that point of silence. ‘I don’t know. I don’t know.’ Let the desire, ‘I want to know. I want to know,’ let that be there.

Don’t pretend that you don’t want to understand it. Don’t pretend that you do understand it. Then we have a tool. We can start using our tool. ‘I don’t understand it. I don’t know.’ That’s Advaita.

Anything that comes into our brain through a thought is a definition, particularly if it’s a noun.

For instance, the word Cat. The word ‘cat’ doesn’t describe that purring being, that catness that can come up and snuggle with you, right? ‘Cat.’

‘House’. The word doesn’t describe it at all. I say ‘house,’ you hear ‘house.’ We think two totally different things. Stay out of that trap.

Don’t lie about it, 100%. That’s the first step.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!