Any spiritual teaching can be nondual

Any spiritual teaching can be non-dual if it makes us see the connection between things, because that’s the ultimate point: to be able to really see the connection between things.

Even the idea about God—very often, the idea about God is that there’s me here and there’s God over there. But you can also take that idea and make it broader until it encompasses literally everything. That’s why many people in ecstasy say, ‘I am God,’ because they see the absolute connection between things.

So, don’t let ideas about non-duality create separations. Like, ‘This spirituality is better than that one.’ I mean, good grief, from one point of view they are all terrible. Right?

Take Hinduism. There’s this path, and that path, and this is the path to attain and this, and this is the path that feels good to me, and… on and on. All of those things are just crazy until you see the connection of everything.

Most important, remember, human beings are meant to be here. We are created perfectly for what it is we need to do. And when you see that, then the connection between everything becomes easier and easier to notice.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!