Other Humans

One thing that is very ironic about non-duality teachings is that it tends to make us forget about everybody else, all the other humans. It puts us on this individual search for enlightenment, and that is just crazy because human beings are one. We know in theory that we’re looking for unity with everything. The very first unity that should exist, and happen, and be acknowledged, is our unity with other human beings. One way we can do that is by looking deeper into native spirituality. In natural societies, people were raised in a bubble of community with each other from the day you’re a baby until you’re the one taking care of the babies.

– Non Dual Adults –

Another thing that’s ironic about most non-duality teachings is that we’re not treated as adults. We’re talking about this unity of everything, but we don’t look at the unity of human beings. Just think about it. If you were actually being treated as an adult, you would be expected to care for other people, particularly for babies and children and other people younger than you. It would be a given that that’s what adults do – they offer care. They come out of pure selfishness into a place where they’re giving and caring and taking care of other people. This is completely missing in most nondual teachings. So let’s add it back in: caring.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!