Nonduality and unity

Nondual teachings are about unity. We often change it, though, into this um, unity with a kind of like a nebulous universe floating around and kind of not a real thing. What if instead we really saw unity as with what exists, particularly with each other, with human beings? If we’re looking for unity, the very first thing to be unified with would be right where we are, with the people that we are with. And the best way to have unity, to experience it, is to be involved in caring for other people as much as possible. This will help you find yourself.

– Nonduality and healing –

Many of us in today’s world are broken and in pain, and even if we aren’t, like at this very moment, we’re living in a very broken society with a really a lot of pain around us. So how does nonduality and healing relate to each other? A lot of us come into spiritual teachings looking for healing. One of the best ways we can do it is to use these particular teachings of how to come into unity with all of the universe and all of existence. Use it as a tool for right here and now. Don’t put enlightenment off as something in the future. Start actually living in as much unity as you can.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!