Who are you. Who are you?

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?” Nonduality asks us this over and over and over because every answer that we give is seen quickly to fall short of the full answer. And the hope is that all the thoughts about it kind of short-circuit and fall away, and you realize, “Oh, I am the person asking who am I, and I am something that can’t be defined and put into language.” This can be seen, and it’s a dramatic moment when you actually see it because then you know who you are, and everything changes because you can’t be fooled.

– It matters to know who you are –

It matters to know who you are because you are the person, the being who was there before you got all messed up. That’s why with nonduality, we’re constantly asking, ‘Who are you? Who are you?’ And the answer is always, ‘Not that, you are not that thing, you are not that thing, you are not that,’ until what we call the veil drops and this original you acknowledges itself. You acknowledge yourself. That’s why we call it Awakening.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!