What Does Nonduality Mean?

So, what does nonduality mean? Strangely enough, we usually think it means whatever definition we last heard about it, or maybe whatever definition we can remember about it.

Very often, when people are saying what Nonduality means, it looks like they Googled it and then copied in something that somebody said about it. But none of these things are Nonduality. In fact, they’re the exact opposite because Nonduality is saying our definitions are not real.

There are not two things inside any singular thing; there can’t be a thing and its definition. Most particularly, there can’t be two of you. There can’t be you and the one you’re searching for. Or if you’re kind of nihilistic, there can’t be you and the one you’re trying to get rid of.

There’s only one thing happening. You’re the one it’s happening to.

So, what do we do about that? Most nondual techniques are about diving through all of the definitions you have and, one by one, getting rid of them.

My recommendation is to throw the whole shebang out until there is just literally zero in your descriptive mind. When there’s zero, the only thing left is who is observing nothing. That’s you.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!