Do we have Free Will?

From the point of view of nonduality, it’s a moot question because it’s a concept. And nonduality says there’s just no sense wasting your time on Concepts at all because no matter how you look at it, it’s going to be a belief anyway. You believe you have it or you believe you don’t have it.

A better question is: do we have agency? Can we actually operate without just being a robot of our conditionings? The answer to that is yes, of course, we can, but only if we completely, totally drop the ego and awaken. So, that’s the real question.

— Does man have free will? —

Does man have free will? Well, the obvious answer to that question is no, of course not. But women [Laughter] do. Hopefully, the silliness of that answer shows you this: really, it’s the question that’s all wrong. Free Will is just a concept, a concept is invented, it’s given a definition, and then we sit around and argue about whether it’s true or not when we invented it in the first place.

The real question is: what difference does the concept make to you? And wouldn’t it be better to just simply be awake?

— Some Dude and Free Will —

A question for today: Does some dude saying that you don’t have free will change who you are? Does that actually change “You?”

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!