Awakening means not confused

Awakening means not being confused – not confused about the most basic, fundamental thing that a human being needs in order to thrive and live, which is knowing who you are.

Knowing who you are is the root we need to live our lives, because it’s so normal and natural, and the basis of life. You’re not something really magical, and it’s not confusing. It’s clear; you can clearly know who you are because you are the one living your life. It’s just that simple.

We live in this society that has totally confused us about this fundamental need to know who we are.

Awakening is simply the end of that confusion.

The confusion is a constant quest… so many questions. Questions, questions, questions: Who am I? How should I live? What’s the meaning of life? These questions become huge when you don’t have a fundamental knowing of who you are.

Once you know this – I am me, just solid, simple, normal me – once you know this, then you can live your life from a place of complete aliveness. Now you’re the one living your life; all your choices are your choices.

And we’re all together; there’s nothing separate between us, all… there’s nothing separate between us and the earth, and the trees, and the skies, and the birds flying, and each other, and communities we create.

There’s nothing separate between any of these things, once you know who you are. Because what you are is not a very dramatic thing – it’s simple, simple, simple, normal.

I’m me, I’m living my life.

So, Awakening is simply the end of the confusion of not knowing who you are.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!