Duality is like a Self Driving Car

Duality is like a self-driving car—a car without a driver. It’s just driving around. Its programming is telling it where to go, where to turn, what to do.

That’s the state of Duality: you living your life without you, without the driver.

So, let’s picture that fully—the empty car just driving around, driving around, feeling a victim all the time because, yeah, you know, it is. It’s getting pushed here and there by traffic or whatever.

Now, bring that car to a stop and imagine you, the driver, step into the driver’s seat. Now, there you are, holding onto the steering wheel behind the windshield, and now you’re driving and making choices.

Every car only has one driver, right? It’s not dual. One driver, that’s you.

Now, step into the driver’s seat of your own self. You’ve always been there, making all the decisions and managing your programming. Some of it’s helpful, some of it isn’t. But now you’re not blind. The programming is more like the dashboard that gives you guidelines of where to go. Do follow the traffic rules!

Imagine that you are you, the one who is operating your life. You’re the driver.

In Sufi traditions and non-dual traditions, they call it being the master of yourself. Get in. Get in that car, and be the driver of your life.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!