Humans Have Big Brains

Human beings have really big brains, but we haven’t been using them to the best of our ability. In fact, I think we’re not using much of our full consciousness because we are so stuck in intelligence type thinking. We’re stuck in believing that intelligence is knowledge, that we can build up lots of things and that creates knowledge. As if understanding things is understanding itself.

The human capacity for intelligence is much more vast than that.

If we can unhook ourselves from always being stuck in our thinking process, we can open up to a totally different way of living and being with each other. We are capable of amazing levels of unity. All these huge problems that humanity seems to be having are so easily solved from a place of unity.

As a matter of fact, we don’t have to solve problems; we just have to stop creating them.

The same could be true in a relationship. Just stop causing the problems in the relationship and the natural unity that exists between people will heal any wounds. People naturally want to be together. That’s how we’re built.

There is so much more available to us in our consciousness than we can ‘think’ about. Our full level of consciousness is standing by, ready to be used, whenever we slow the critical bit of ourselves down. It’s best described as learning to listen.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!