Each Time Humans Come Together

Each time humans come together, something really magical happens. And I mean, like, really come together. Human beings have this thing that we can do where we can actually communicate with each other, we can commune with each other, we can do things together.

That’s why we’re so amazingly fabulously creative. We don’t even have to be in some real spiritual state in order to do things together.

However, it is a fact that we do things together unconsciously. This is what is causing us to destroy our environment.

Imagine if that same power of unity was us coming together, creating beauty, creating community, creating new ways to live. Imagine if we’re singing and dancing and playing music and making things together, painting murals, cooking, talking. These are the fabulous things human beings can do.

Each time humans come together in unity and beauty, we create amazing things.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!