Nonduality is Not Confused

Nonduality is not confused. Life can seem so confusing when we’re in the dual state because we’re operating out of our conditionings, and our conditionings just really don’t make sense. They are a great burden to be carrying around.

Underneath, there is a you that is not confused. What you’re looking for in your nondual search is to touch and become this place where there’s no confusion. That’s a clear way to look at your spiritual search; you’re trying to unravel yourself. If you are doing things that are making you more confused, then that’s not it.

What’s so beautiful about nonduality is that it says” it’s not this, it’s not that. If you’re becoming more confused, that’s not it. Now imagine the natural state of being—not confused. Within that state, there’s no duality; there aren’t a million different conflicting things. There is just the reality of who you are.

Living life can be tough and confusing for anyone, but the actual you who is living this life can be in a state that is not confused because you’re not confused about who you are.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!