Nonduality is Untethered

Nonduality is untethered. In life that there are so many things that try to tie us down. One of the biggest things is our definitions of who we should be and how we should be. We’re constantly told that we’re not good enough. Just the very definitions we have of what a human being should be these days—you can never be that good! It’s like a chain around you, holding you down: trying to be this, trying to be that, trying to be everything.

That’s why it’s so important, when you’re on the spiritual search, on the non-dual search, searching for enlightenment, it’s so important not to have perfection as a goal, as something that you’re trying to achieve. If you do that, it just becomes another chain, another tether holding you down.

Nonduality itself is unchained, untethered, free of these things.

There’s always a place inside of you, at any moment, that is this freedom, this boundless spirit. The boundless spirit that animates you and helps you get up in the morning and go through your life. This is the boundless spirit that you touch anytime you relax and deeply be yourself.

What we’re doing in the non-dual search is looking at how to get rid of all these chains so that this untethered spirit can be the animation of you, can be what is animating your life—your untethered being.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!