It Only Makes Sense

It only makes sense that the entire history we have been taught is skewed, even outright wrong. We’re taught that civilization is what defines human beings. Archaeologists are out there digging around and finding out where civilization started, who started putting rocks on top of each other first. We like to find ancient scrolls… thinking that the written word is where past human intelligence resides. But that is an infinitesimally small sliver of what human history must be.

We know, simply from the numbers, that what we call the modern human has been fully evolved for over 80,000 years. That’s eighty thousand years of people walking around with the exact same mechanism we have inside their heads. The exact same inner consciousness to create thought and interpret reality. Their experience would have been very similar to ours, except for the fact that their knowledge and interpretation of the world was very, very different.

As modern educated folks, we look back to cavemen and see them as being ignorant and stupider than us. But that does not make sense. Our big brain evolved over millions of years. Why would we evolve this big huge brain and not use it until we got to the Enlightenment, or the Industrial Revolution? It doesn’t make sense.

The full entire human capacity for intelligence has been used by people throughout the millions of years that our ancient ancestors came from the trees and out into the savannah. Nothing gets created, evolutionarily speaking, that isn’t used and necessary. Nothing gets created in evolution that isn’t a finished product either. Every animal walking around isn’t thinking, “Well this is pretty good, but I need the next step in order to be a good gorilla or a good horse or whatever.” No, every single creature is fully formed, living within their ecosystem, a part of their ecosystem.

It simply does not make sense that human intelligence and consciousness started with civilization.

It does make sense, though, if you look at it the other way and say, “Okay. Human beings, with this full capacity for consciousness, have lived on the planet for 80,000 years in our final form and a million years in forms before that. They were completely entwined, in relation with the world they were living in.” They were the full brilliant “us.”

They were not a dominant species; they were perfectly happy living within their ecosystem. It’s only when civilization started that we began separating ourselves from the world, and that’s when we went nuts.

Literally, what archaeologists find when they’re out there discovering civilizations is piles of stones, right? They find that somebody built walls, walls that are strong enough to still be standing today. We look at that and think, “Yay, these guys had civilization.” But what if, instead, this was a sign of people going nuts. Something went wrong with them to make them think that they needed to start building walls.

We think that when people started building walls they must have been protecting themselves from marauding bands. But many native stories say the walls weren’t built to keep people out; they were built to keep people in. It was slavery and domination, evil even. It was an attempt to domesticate people. Most of those attempts failed until the thing we actually call civilization got so big that people couldn’t run away from it.

So, let’s turn our ideas of history back around. Once you do that a different view of reality opens up. You know you’re hitting on a truth because everything starts making sense. It starts falling into place.

One of the main teachings in nonduality is that you’re dropping the false face. Well… in order to have a false face to drop, there must be a true face underneath. The real face is the true birthright of human beings. The real question is, where did the false face come from? It came from this thing we call civilization, where people started feeling separate from reality and started piling up rocks. It is then where people became separate from the world. This separation created the illusion of the mind, the self, and all the spiritual madness that goes around it.

With this simple rewriting of the world we can start looking at it from the other way around. Dropping the false face simply means finding the real true face. The true face is what we have always been until ‘civilization’ captured us. It’s what we are born with. It’s the silence under our modern mind.

Buddhism is all about finding the truth, Satnam, the truth. The real truth is down underneath the falseness. Falseness goes away and truth is revealed. This truth is what has always been there.

All the spiritual masters say you cannot describe truth with words. Well… wait then. Rather than trying and trying to describe it, let’s start thinking that maybe words are the problem. Maybe our language itself is the problem.

Un-telling the false story reveals the true story. Can you feel it? Can you see how you open your consciousness and your imagination up by removing stories that don’t make sense. How things fall into place when we put together new stories of who we are.

Humanity has always been an awake being cooperating and living within our earthly ecosystem. We are currently in a tiny little glitch of false perception where we imagine we are separate and have gone temporarily nuts. We go sane by going back to our roots.

This makes it much easier for you to find out who you are because… who are you? You are the actual alive being down underneath all the false concepts. This is the way we wake up in today’s world.

Also this week on YouTube:

Me me me!
Video on: Honoring Indigenous Knowledge
It only makes sense
Seeing ourselves in a new way
The True Human
Enlightenment is Not Far Away

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!