9. You Are You

Going Through the Exercises Again

From this new point of non-duality let’s go through all our exercises again.  

Oneness is out there.

Remember our first exercise when we were visualizing the universe, oneness, and realized we were seeing it ‘out there’ somewhere? Out in the universe. Perhaps we even imagined that the universe was some place. We saw that as division. Two.  

Now we see that this can also be unity because I am the universe. So yes. I’m here and I’m out there. A vast oneness of unity. 

The Universe is all around me 

Next step. The universe is everywhere around me. Bring it in close: top, bottom, 360 degrees.  

Yes, obviously the universe is me. It’s everywhere around me.  

The Universe is Inside Me 

Next step, the universe is inside me too. I can feel it.  

Yes, obviously it is. It’s in me, it’s outside of me. I am it.  

I Am the Universe 

And then finally ‘I am the universe’ watching out through my eyes at the universe. The inner and the outer is the same.  


Let’s do the spatula. Where’s your spatula?

“Oh, how wonderfully I am created! My brain works. Obviously, it knows where the spatula is because I am my brain, I am the spatula. Everything’s natural and normal. I’m a human being. I work really well as a human being, driving my car, pulling into the parking space.

“Yes. My mystical brain operates fabulously. What about worry? My worrying brain also operates fabulously. These things are all me.”

New Shoes 

And how about our new shoes? Remember we did the exercise where you have the new shoes and you’re walking along and got lost in the shoes. We were using it as an example of how a human being forgets who they are and gets lost.  

The shoes are so compelling, they capture your attention and all you can see is the new shoes. You are the new shoes. But are you really lost? 

No. You are right there inside of the shoes. If you are absolutely everything then there is no problem. You are the forgetfulness too.  

There is a moment where you suddenly remember, “Oh, this is me walking in my new shoes.” But you were there all along. There’s no separation. You are everything. 

Apply the New Razor

So now, with this new razor, we have a new tool to use to live our lives. We can be alive as we are and find our ultimate awakening.  

  • We can apply the razor to emotions. 

Use the first razor. Are you your emotions? No.  

Use the second one. Are you your emotions? Yes.  

  • Use it for thoughts. 

Are you your thoughts? Yes. Are you your thoughts? No.  

When you are absolutely clear about who you are, I am that. Then everything in life becomes natural and normal. You become an agent for life itself.  

We were not created wrong. Human beings are absolutely, perfectly designed for this moment we’re living in right now.  Every single human being on the planet is needed for the next step that we need to do together.  

We must come out of these days of unknowing, the days of confusion, and wake up and then come together in a new way. Time to create a new way of living together.  

This is what we were created for. 

Are You Alive?

That was a pretty big journey we went on but now, maybe, we can start asking some different questions.  

Are you alive? What is life? What is this aliveness?  

Are you passionate? What are you passionate about? What can you create? You have this entire beingness of yourself. You’ve got life, you’ve got power, you’ve got people around you.  

There’s so much that can be done.  

We are now ready to get out there and make some mistakes. Stumble and fall and feel pain. Get over it. Feel happiness. Enjoy it. Bring it on. 

Bring it on. We can do it. We can do this thing. We are live human beings. We’re in this together.  

This kind of teaching, instead of turning us into nebulous drones looking for enlightenment, brings out our life. 

We are not weak. We are not lost. No. No. Here you are, ready for what happens next. 

This is how you magnify the strength and the passion of your being. 

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Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!