Why does it matter?

It matters because we are all nuts. All is one, after all. We have a collective insanity. Gotta heal the whole thing… Can’t just heal one piece.

But wait… you say. Don’t I have to heal myself before I heal others?

That’s sort of true, but not exactly true. It’s definitely important to work on our own integration, but the whole thing needs to move along. Even a sane person will be drug down by our crazy world. In fact, the more sane you are, the more you’ll be drug down. We have to work on collective healing.

There is no “healthy enough” to be healthy in our pathological world. Yes, me getting as healthy as possible will help. It definitely helps me. It helps everyone around me. When put in the context of everything it takes the pressure off and also makes the project of global healing doable.

You cannot help others if you are pretending. This is a connected continuium of consciousness.

Heal yourself a bit, heal the collective a bit… then go to the next level, and the next. There’s always someone to lift you up and someone to drag you down. It’s a big project… and huge breakthroughs are possible.

The breakthrough we are going to be talking about is how to look in a different direction for harmony. Popular spirituality is all about feeling good. In truth, what we typically call the “spiritual experience” is a sudden access of the pure upper right brain. That’s definitely bliss. It’s a good thing, but it’s been misinterpreted, and even commercialized. So we get confused and controlled by it.

Anything or anyone who confuses us controlls us.


True spiritual teachers teach freedom and integration. The quest is how to be a master of the entire situation inside your head.

The insane irony of the whole thing is that freedom and integration are simple and natural; our birthright. Control and confusion is difficult.

I choose easy and free and enjoy revealing that.

We can change our brains

Here’s a woman who did just that.

Let’s go back to our heroes that we will be investigating in this site. How did Sam Lewis manage to break through from the insanity of his past (and he had a very difficult past)? How did Osho break through? How did Adyashanti integrate? And Andrew Cohen? What turned Hazrat Innayat Khan into the radiant being he was?

What happened?

Was it confusing or was it simple?

You’ll notice, if you study them that they each have something different to say. Are they contradicting each other… or do they each have a piece of the puzzle that we can now start to put together?

I say it’s a piece of the puzzle, and the same holds true for me. I’m putting a lot of puzzle pieces together here for you, and I myself am also only one small part of the whole interconnected puzzle.

Everything matters.

Your job as a human being, here and now, isn’t to heal the world, become the next Jesus Christ, or even to find your own calling. It’s certainly not to make the most money you can. Your job is to just be the best puzzle piece you can be.

That should be doable, especially with all the new information I’m sharing with you here.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!