Our brains are Hard Wired for Spirituality

Our brains are hardwired for spirituality.

If you’ve been watching any of my videos, and of course I recommend you do them all, and do my non-duality course, but if you’ve been watching those you’ll start appreciating that we have this amazing brain. We have this amazing capacity for consciousness.

Logical Thought

We have a tremendous capacity for logical thinking. Lots of people don’t use it, but we have that capacity. We can strengthen that muscle by using it. We can think more logically through practice. Go all the way and we can become really super dry scientists if that’s all we do. If we only work on that part of our brain then that’s all we’ll be.

The Mystical

We also have a part of our brain that has no need to analyze things or to put names on this things. I think this is what the Aboriginal peoples in Australia call the Dreamworld. They are masters of the dream world, as are many native peoples.

It’s a part of us. There’s a myth world that is just as real as the logical world. It’s a large, viable part of ourselves that we can access consciously. This is what all the spiritual training throughout all the religions of the world is trying to show us.

How do we access this part of ourselves?

We can access it through music and dancing which is why I like the Dances of Universal Peace. In that practice you step into a circle of dancers and you’re singing and moving with everybody. Boom! You easily access the mystical part of yourself.

Sitting around a fire, it happens naturally. The way the fire crackles in the light, the way it sparks. Boom! It naturally accesses that part of ourselves. We don’t have to try to integrate it. The warmth and the flames open us up.

Division or Harmony?

There is no need to reconcile the two sides together. The mystical part of our brain is so wonderful, relaxing and creative that it’s good to be there as often as possible. The logical brain is extremely useful. What we want to do is harmonize our logical, thinking brain with all the aspects of ourselves inside and out… such as our community. Healthy spirituality is about how we get along with others. We are hardwired for that as well.

Trust is key

So trust that part of yourself. Trust both parts of yourself. Trusting yourself, trusting the way everything is made, is one of the biggest steps for relaxing enough to discover who you are.

The answer is, “I’m just me.”

I’m the one living this life. I am the mystical and I am the thinking me. I am the observer. Even when I’m sound asleep I’m still me. I’m me even when I’m angry. I’m me when I’m happy, and I am me when I access the spiritual experience.

Our brains are hardwired for spirituality. 

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!