Clarity is Possible

Clarity is possible. Get rid of the fundamental split and you’re there.

The Split

So what’s this fundamental split? We could use various different words for it. It’s the misconception, the belief, all the brainwashing you’ve received that makes you believe you should be something else. Something other than pure simplicity.

It’s, basically, the inclination to want to be something way more exotic than what we actually are.

We want answers to life, and who you actually are is the nothingness. That nothingness has no answers. No form. It has the ability to get wiser. And knowing who you are is going to help you get wiser, but it’s not going to give you fundamental answers to everything that can possibly happen. Like it’s not gonna prevent you from getting old and dying. It’s not going to save you from all suffering. It’s just that if you know who you are then there’s a driver in the driver seat and it’s way more possible that you’re not going to get in a giant wreck.

It’s vital to know who you are.

So the fundamental split is the illusion that the really loud things going on in your brain are you. It’s the illusion that your emotions are you. It’s the illusion, or even hope, that you are something way more fantastic than you actually are.

You are simply you. Just simple ol’ you. Not so much of an anything.

But I want to be more!


The fundamental split is the illusion that there’s a solution to life, that there’s a magnificent purpose just for me, that I can float my way to happiness. These are all barriers that we have set up for ourselves. Walls between what I am and what I wish to be. We set up our own barriers and rules for enlightenment, such as I won’t know who I am until I’m perfect.

Non Dual Teachings

The fundamental split is what non-duality is, working on. We are trying to stop the urge to constantly look at thoughts and believe that is me. To stop believing my emotions are me.

Nonduality always says, “Not two.” Use that simple idea to stop dividing things With Nonduality you look at anything that happens in your brain and go no, no, no, until you get down to a place where there’s no definition at all. And then you can just relax into who you are. Then the fundamental split is gone.

We can erase the split with our non-dual teachings. Once your insistence that you should be something is gone then you are nothing but silence. Just you living your life.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!