Enlightenment is Possible

What if we were told the story that becoming our full, awakened self is a graceful, natural step of adulthood? How would life on earth change?

A New Possibility

Reaching what we would call the Non-dual state as possible. Enlightenment is possible. We know that as a fact. We have examples of all sorts of people who have done it. And yet, we have this strange belief that it’s very difficult to do even though anyone who has ever done it has come back and said, “Oh my gosh! That was so easy.”

Krishnamurti. He becomes enlightened, and he comes running to his brother saying, “This is so easy. Let me show you how to do it!” Then through his whole life, he could never describe it to anyone.

Same thing with the Heart Sutra from thousands of years ago. A monk comes running back to his sangha and he’s like, “There’s no concepts! There’s no this. There’s no that. Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.” It’s a statement said in Buddha societies all the time. Gone, gone. Gone beyond. Gone beyond the beyond.

They say it’s simple

So everyone who achieves it says it’s so simple, and yet the religions turn around and tell us that it takes lifetimes. You have to do all sorts of complicate things to get there. And then the real teachers are saying the opposite. They’re saying you don’t have to do anything to get there. There’s nowhere to get.

So what if instead of seeing thinking that this state is difficult we realize that describing it is difficult. Describing it is literally impossible. So this is our only little problem.

Everyone who’s ever been there tries and tries and tries to describe it. Nisargadata, Andrew Cohen, Osho. They describe and describe and describe, never quite getting it. They always say that this is really hard to describe!

What if we take that as the basic, most fundamental understanding. Not that it’s really difficult to get to enlightenment. Not that it’s hard or it takes lifetimes in the lifetimes. Just simply realize that this is a thing that’s very difficult to describe.

So when you’re someone who is looking for enlightenment, looking for the non dual state, studying non dual, ideas, and practicing meditation, have as your core understanding the fact that describing it is the thing that’s a difficult. Not being it. Not realizing it.

Period. Full stop.

It reduces millions and millions of words out of your mind.

So start looking at it with that side of your being, that side of your mind, the side of your brain that is always completely silent. Learn to say okay. Silence can see it. Words cannot. There is always this silence here. Let’s look with this.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!