From the False to the Real

Nonduality is coming out of a false state into a real state. It’s coming from fantasy to clarity. This is a simple thing to do, and we need to get past this idea that it’s a very rare phenomenon for a person to wake up. This is actually your birthright. You want to just come solidly into yourself and into the life that you’re living. It’s important because we need every single human being to be awake to turn us back to a sustainable track of living.

So many people who are studying nonduality seem to erase themselves from the picture. It’s kind of like—well, I mean, it is supposed to be self-annihilation, but you’re supposed to be annihilating the false self, not the real self. We tend to use it as an escapism kind of thing and as a kind of arrogant, “I know we don’t all exist, so it doesn’t matter” sort of thing. That’s not what nonduality is about at all. Nonduality is about you and me finding ourselves, discovering who we are as human beings. So, don’t erase yourself. Bloom yourself.