Nonduality is not lost. Down underneath your confusion you’re not lost; you’re completely there and awake. The confusion of who we are, the spiritual search, or any of those things, is just a crust that we carry over ourselves. It’s a crust that has been put on us by the things we’ve been taught and …
Author Archives: Zareen
Nonduality is Edgeless
Nonduality is edgeless. What is that place in your being where there’s no edge? No place where ‘you’ stop? This is the non-dual state. You can’t define yourself completely 100% separate from other things. Everything is interconnected. There’s no edge where ‘I’ ends and reality starts. There’s no edge where reality ends and ‘I’ start. …
Nonduality is Boundryless
Nonduality is boundaryless. There’s no actual boundary between me and anything else. It’s easy to see that with biology. Everything that’s in my body has come from someplace else. They say that our cells completely regenerate every seven years. If that’s true, then there is nothing in my body that’s older than seven years. It’s …
Nonduality is Not Confused
Nonduality is not confused. Life can seem so confusing when we’re in the dual state because we’re operating out of our conditionings, and our conditionings just really don’t make sense. They are a great burden to be carrying around. Underneath, there is a you that is not confused. What you’re looking for in your nondual …
Nonduality is Consciousness
Nonduality is consciousness. You can feel inside yourself, how it animates every aspect of your body and your mind. Consciousness is such a remarkable field to be within. Here you reading a blog I wrote. In my real time I’m sitting in my room and editing on a computer… but this comes through my consciousness. …
Nonduality is Living
Nonduality is living. It is literally the life within you that bubbles up in you, in me, and in everything on the Earth. Just think how spring comes and everything bubbles forth alive. Everything interacts with each other and grows and blooms. Then in the winter, it goes to sleep, but then it bubbles back …
Nonduality is Contagious
Nonduality is contagious. I think that we are in a wave of awakening happening across the planet, and there are so many things contributing to it. One is our enhanced ability to communicate. It’s easier now to find an awakened person than it ever has been, and there are so many different examples. It’s not …
From the False to the Real
Nonduality is coming out of a false state into a real state. It’s coming from fantasy to clarity. This is a simple thing to do, and we need to get past this idea that it’s a very rare phenomenon for a person to wake up. This is actually your birthright. You want to just come solidly into yourself and into the life that you’re living. It’s important because we need every single human being to be awake to turn us back to a sustainable track of living.
So many people who are studying nonduality seem to erase themselves from the picture. It’s kind of like—well, I mean, it is supposed to be self-annihilation, but you’re supposed to be annihilating the false self, not the real self. We tend to use it as an escapism kind of thing and as a kind of arrogant, “I know we don’t all exist, so it doesn’t matter” sort of thing. That’s not what nonduality is about at all. Nonduality is about you and me finding ourselves, discovering who we are as human beings. So, don’t erase yourself. Bloom yourself.