Nonduality is natural. We aren’t trying to become some disembodied spiritual thing; we’re trying to become who we are, right? The question is, who are you? It’s not who is some floating around nebulous thing that you want to become. It’s like, who are you? You and me are bodies as well as minds. We …
Author Archives: Zareen
Nonduality is Your Birthright
Nonduality is your birthright. You were born a human being, you were born totally connected to everything because you didn’t have concepts of division at all. All human beings can awaken to their full self, no matter how conditioned they’ve been by societies. Human beings can also be raised in a way that they know …
Nonduality is not an Attainment
Nonduality is not an attainment. Enlightenment itself is not an attainment. We hear this all the time, but really look deeply into what that means. That means that this seemingly confused being that is yourself, that’s it. That’s what you get as soon as you stop being pulled into believing that you can improve that …
Nonduality is You
Nonduality is you. You are looking for the thing that’s undivided. You imagine that you are divided, but you’re not. You are you. You’ve always been you. You’ll wake up tomorrow, and you’ll still be you. So, this being of yourself, the dynamic living human being that you are, is nonduality. Because that being of …
Nonduality is Zero
Nonduality is zero. Zero is really the only concept I like to play around with when talking about nonduality because zero doesn’t exist. It’s a word for where there’s nothing. It’s a word for things that don’t exist. And if we actually take that concept of zero and put it into our head in a …
Nonduality is Everything
Nonduality is everything. When you are dissolved into the entirety of the universe, you are blended with literally everything that exists. There’s no separation between me and you, there’s no separation between me and this house I’m sitting in, and you and wherever you are sitting watching this video. There’s no separation between anything. We …
Nonduality is Nothing
Non-duality is nothing. That’s why it’s nonduality. You, yourself, the best way to think about who you are, is that you’re nothing. Because then, you take all the concepts of who you think you are and you can just kind of dissolve them down into the being of yourself that is sitting here awake in …
Nonduality is Available
Nonduality is available. What could be more available than yourself? We know the whole saying: “everywhere you go, there you are.” Well, what that means is that wherever you go, there you are. You are always with yourself. You can’t escape yourself. Even if you take the biggest drugs possible your brain may go away …