The lie of non-duality

The LIE of nonduality isn’t in the nonduality teachers. It’s in the Seekers. The point is to get rid of the lie in yourself.

Everyone is asking if nonduality is a scam. Think of it this way… your concepts are a scam they’re always fooling you. If we turn nonduality into a concept, then yes. It’s a scam. 🙂

Calming the mind

Calming the Mind reveals our inner Spirit… where Beauty and Harmony naturally reside.

— Getting rid of the critical —

Nonduality is about getting rid of that super critical part of your mind; that part that always sees everything is wrong. That’s got to be good! Huh?

— If you lost your critical mind —

If you lost your critical mind, wouldn’t you be way better off? Actually… Nonduality isn’t about losing it. It’s about simply seeing it with honesty.

Paradox exists

Spirituality, really, is just admitting that all sorts of paradoxes exist. There are so many things that we can’t sort out with our thinking mind… but our being loves it just the way is.

— Our Ability To Think —

Our ability to think as human beings has really gotten us into a lot of trouble. There is a huge vast reservoir of Consciousness inside all of us that’s tons smarter than just the thinking can manage. As we open up this vast reservoir of intelligence, we’re going to do some great things.