The power of suggestion is profound. Everything is intricately connected; there’s no separation between me and all human beings, between me and the air I’m breathing, or between you and life itself. The birds, trees, plants, and the universe—all are intricately connected. This interconnectedness is why suggestion holds so much power for us as human …
Author Archives: Zareen
Fasting Stories
So, we don’t want to get lost in all this fabulous spiritual stuff and forget our story of me getting inflammatory breast cancer! Right? There I was with the diagnosis, and I decided to start fasting. Fasting to survive cancer has some really good scientific proof behind it right now. This relates to life itself. …
Nonduality means there aren’t two of you
Nonduality simply means that there’s not two of you, and so therefore… you can’t find yourself. There’s not two things. — Non-duality means you exist — Nonduality means that you exist. Usually people don’t say that… but obviously, you’re the one who’s not seeing two things.
Sufi Heart With Wings
In the art of Being, Hazrat Inayat Khan says that the Sufi flies with wings on his heart. This is a Sufi teaching about being free from the nafs, from the ego, from your misconceptions. You’ll notice that I used the pronoun “he” very specifically. I’ll talk about that later because that’s very important, but …
We Belong Here
We belong here. I mean you and me, all humans. Gosh, everybody else as well—spiders, snakes—we all belong here because we are the Earth. It’s not like we’re ‘part’ of the earth; we are the Earth itself. Every cell, every molecule, the electricity that runs through our bodies, everything is the earth and the universe …
Living as a human being
Hopefully, this has all been helpful in sorting out who we are, how we work together. The question is, how do we find this single point of ourselves that is who is living our life. We are so vastly interconnected that it’s helpful to always look at our history, look at our culture, look at …
Keep up
And finally, as I end this series on the integration of nonduality and Native spirituality, I want to say: keep up! There is so much going on. The books that are being written today are simply amazing in the areas of science and anthropology, and who we are. Reading and studying can be very informative …
When I was diagnosed with cancer, of course, I started Googling it, right? I found some great new information coming into the knowledge of humans about cancer: what causes it, and what we can do about it. I discovered new research on fasting and cancer. It’s diving into the question of what causes cancer to …