I love the Old Hippie saying of ‘Wherever you go, there you are.’ It’s so true. You cannot get away from yourself… because you would be the one trying to get away from yourself. This is the revelation. If you read or study any of the people telling their enlightenment experience, this is exactly what …
Author Archives: Zareen
Fear of Death
Fear of death is one of the biggest motivations people have to get involved in spirituality. Our brains are really smart; this is a problem because we are able to understand that each of us is going to die, and because the stories we’ve been given about that don’t quite make sense, it creates a …
Seems Like It’s Impossible
It can seem that being an awake human being is an incredible mystery that can never be resolved… but actually it’s very simple. You’re you. I’m me. — The Mystical Mind is Always There — The mystical mind is always there with you. It is as vast as the critical mind. Both of them work …
Solving the Mystery of Ourselves
This whole exploration of how Nonduality and Native spirituality intersect is part of the process of discovering who we are as human beings, and who am I as a human being. How do I fit into the grand creation that is going on? How do I fit in with all the other human beings? How …
Die Before You Die
Die before you die is a Sufi teaching that has more to do with life than it does with death. Sidebar: We don’t need to teach dead people how to be dead. Right? They’re pretty good at it already. The teaching “Die before you die,” is more about how to live than it is about …
Being the Mystical
When we look at how nonduality and Native spirituality fit together, it’s the mystical that ties it together. Everything on existence is in this vast unity. The human brain, the human mind, has a huge capacity to see and learn from and be the mystical. We’ve been doing it since we became human. — The …
6 Ways to Non Dual: Mystical
Number six is the mystical. We are accidentally raised with the idea that our thinking brain is us, and that’s just simply not true. The thinking brain is a small part of our perception. By the thinking brain, I’m talking about the language that goes through your head, the stories that go through your head, …
If you know you can’t be fixed you’re free
If you know that you can’t be fixed, then you’re free. This is what nonduality is about. Just think about your inner self – the ‘you’ that is completely dissolved in the ocean of being, the you that is part of the Earth, part of all reality, the great nothingness, the great everythingness. That ‘you’ …
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