There is a “you” that is not two. We tend to lose track of that in non-duality teachings. We can get caught in searching for this oblivious state of nothingness… and pure happiness… and all sorts of things like that. We forget the basic idea of Not Two: I am not my intellect. I am …
Author Archives: Zareen
6 Ways to Non Dual: Math
Our number two way to find nondual is math. Kind of makes sense, right? Not Two… it’s very math like. Some really simple math will help us understand that there are not two things inside our heads. One of my favorite stories is a Zen story about ten guys, way back in the day. They …
Imagining Zero
It’s fascinating to think about zero because our minds are not designed to do this. It’s so easy to think about two of something. Like, imagine two colorful balls. They’re bouncing around. Two balls add another one. Imagine a third ball. So easy to do. Our brains are created to do this. In fact, what happens is that we so easily project ourselves out onto that picture. We can see those two balls. Now, imagine zero. Take away all the balls. Nothing at all. It’s a totally different experience when you truly see zero. The only thing left within your field of consciousness is you seeing that zero.
— Complete Zero —
If you imagine complete zero then everything is gone. The only thing left is the person observing zero. That’s you.
— There is Not Two of You —
There is only one of you; there’s not two of you. Have you ever wished that you were a clone, you know, so that you could get more things done? Divide into two? Well, right there is a moment of revelation. You just realized you’re just one. All you can do is all you can do. You are you. That’s nonduality.
We send out two newsletters. One is a weekly summary of fun teachings by Ma Prem Zareen. This Newsletter goes out each Saturday-ish. I occasionally have time to answer replies to the newsletter. So if you wish to contact me this is currently the best way! Preview the newsletter archive 1. Join Zareen’s Weekly Newsletter …
Nondual Nothing
When you hear about nothing in non-duality studies it’s talking about actually nothing: zero, nothing there, empty. Actual nothing.
— Think about zero —
Just for a second think about zero: the absolute lack of anything. Zero.
— Choose to see nothing —
If you can close your eyes and choose to see that nothing is there—zero. There’s absolutely nothing inside your brain, inside your mind. Nothing’s there. Zero. If you can choose to see that, then the only thing that’s left is you, who is looking at nothing. Step back into yourself, and now there’s only one you.
6 Ways to Non Dual: Nothing
Now we are going to look at six ways, techniques if you like, to discover non-dual. The first one we’re going to look at is ‘nothing’. This is actually the most efficient way to disengage yourself from the illusion of your mind. In reality, nothing is happening inside you. I mean… lots of things are …
Do nothing BE nothing
Osho always said: Do nothing, be nothing. Such a beautiful explanation of how to reach the non dual state.
— Nondual Nothing —
When you hear about nothing in non-duality studies it’s talking about actually nothing: zero, nothing there, empty. Actual nothing.
Can you trust a Non duality guru?
Can you trust a nonduality guru? Actually, the better question is, do you trust yourself? You can’t get fooled by a guru unless you’re trickable, foolable. Do you trust yourself? Also, even if you go to the best guru in the whole world, you’re not going to discover anything unless ‘you’ discover it. We’re back …