There’s a huge discussion going on right now about free will, with philosophers, and scientists, and everybody. It is the perfect example of how the human mind can go badly and lead us to our very destruction. Let me explain. The simplest way to look at it is: Free Will is a concept that’s been …
Author Archives: Zareen
Children’s Book
What not to do
Non-duality is fun because we get to talk about what does not exist. So now I’m spending a week talking about what not to do on the spiritual search. — Lead us from the false to the real — Lead us from the false to the real. That’s what nonduality is really telling us. What’s …
4 Things to Avoid on the Spiritual Search: Perfection
The number one thing to avoid is perfection. This is where Eastern teachings have gone so wrong because they emphasize the total perfection of the enlightened being. Then everybody tries to be perfect before becoming enlightened, but you literally can’t do that. First of all, I would argue that all of these enlightened beings aren’t …
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Are there steps?
Are there steps to Enlightenment, to reach the non-dual state? Well, the answer is yes and no, and I’m not going to tell you any more than that. — A lot of my videos might seem kind of disjointed because I’m working on a larger project that they all fit in. There’s no way …
Without language
Without our language always going in our heads and our history giving us our belief of who we are, who are we underneath this? — Enlightenment and joy — Joy doesn’t create Enlightenment. There is no level of joy and happiness that’s going to get you us there. Enlightenment creates Joy.
What We’ve Learned
Let’s do a recap of what we’ve been learning in this series on the intersection between native wisdom and nonduality, so we can put it all together and start moving on to some action steps. To what exactly? How does nonduality help us enter this native wisdom State? How do we change one worldview for …
Unity is bigger than you think
Unity is bigger than you think. Our brains can never grasp the hugeness of everything that exists. — An instinct towards unity — Our natural human instinct draws us towards Unity. That’s why nonduality can be really fun because it is the process of stripping away the false.