Native wisdom creates a crack in our perceptions

Native wisdom creates a crack in our perceptions of who we are because it tells a totally different story of the human being. This crack is where the light can start coming in, and you see. – We have the tools – We have the tools to step out from under our misconceptions of who …

Nonduality and Native Wisdom Intersect

This is a series of videos on how Nonduality and Native wisdom intersect. We’ve gone through some interesting points. We’ve been talking about how language works in our heads, how our thoughts actually are language. We’ve looked at history and how these long ago stories make up our worldview and inform us of who we …

Raised in the Bubble

We’re doing a week of talking about babies and working on completely rewriting our worldview, We are rewriting the way we see the thoughts that go through our head. Understanding that that’s just language. Our thoughts are nothing more than language that we’ve been given. We are reforming the stories that we’ve heard from history. …