History is Written by the Conquerors

History is written by the conquerors. We all know this. How in the world does this apply to any kind of spirituality, or Nonduality, or native wisdom? Well… it’s because you and I, and all the people on this planet, are the result of the history that’s happened. Everything that our ancestors have done has …

Untraining Ourselves

What if our unenlightened state, where we find ourselves right now, is really just the result of training… and we could untrain ourselves. – Language and Thoughts – We’ve been talking this week about language and thoughts, and how that relates to non-duality and to Native spirituality. What we know about Native languages is that …

Addiction to thoughts

As far as nonduality is concerned it’s our addiction to our thoughts that’s the problem. Not the actual thoughts themselves. -Trying to understand- When you’re trying to understand something… does that mean that you’re trying to put it into language and explain it? Or does it mean that you’re trying to see deeply into it? …