Personal Experience

Taking nonduality out of your personal experience is the trick or the secret.

We are conditioned to believe that enlightenment, the non-dual state, is an inner experience. We feel that it resides in our head, that something will change in our head when we become enlightened. But that’s not the case. We know (from even the basic teachings about enlightenment) that it’s about being blended with all things.

Therefore, it actually comes from the outside as much as it comes from the inside… to the point that there is no outside and there is no inside. There is just you, alive and participating in the fullest way that you possibly can.

So forget about the mind. You can’t think yourself out of thinking because it’s your thinker that’s thinking! You can’t think yourself into not thinking.

That’s the trick of nonduality. You simply stop.

Nonduality Explained: It’s Not What You Think

Nonduality explained: nothing is what you think because everything you think is limited. By thinking, I’m talking about when you’re putting words to it. For you and me, that’s English. So when you have these thoughts, this language going through your head, there is no way that it can be absolutely complete in its definition. …