The vast majority of our consciousness is not being used in today’s world. We have opted to turn off what you might call the silent part of our knowing in favor of the loud, what we would call the mind, the logical mind. But the logical mind is there to analyze what comes to us …
Author Archives: Zareen
Friend of the Friend
You can take great steps in your non-duality practices by seeing your mind as a friend. It’s there, right? It’s not going to go away. It brings you tons of useful information all the time. It can be a good friend. It’s also full of a lot of BS, right? You can tell the difference if you look, because it’s your friend. It’s your good friend.
The mind is a friend, and like a friend, you know that your friend is not you. Your mind is not you. You are you. You are the one that is the friend of the friend.
Nonduality Explained: Meditation
Meditation, and spirituality easily evolves into nonsense. The more people talk about it, the nutzier it gets. Our current ideas about meditation are a good example of this. When I hear people talk about meditation it sounds like they are trying to get something with their meditation. Like, if I do this practice, I will …
Nonduality Live “I Am”
Powered by Live July 15 3pm MT: Live with Ma Prem Zareen and Friends. We’ll be discussing Adyashanti’s short video: The Certainty of I Am We have a small price on the ticket to prevent spammers. Purchase your ticket and you’ll immediately be sent the Zoom link.
Nonduality Explained: Step Out of Yourself
Nonduality explained: Step out of yourself. Seems kind of backwards, and it is. We’re so fixated on our experience and our thoughts that we’ve turned our perceptions of the external world into a real world in our imagination. We’re like sleepwalkers, walking around through life fixated on this illusion that we’re calling ourselves. You need …
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Retelling the Human Story: Food
Nonduality and food. In this series, we’re retelling the story of humanity. We’re sitting around the fire here, having a little talk and retelling who we are. So let’s talk about food. It’s really interesting that nonduality teachers never talk about food, except maybe in the context of should you be a vegetarian or should …
Nonduality Explained: The Self
This one gets so crazy in nonduality discussions. What is the self? Who is the self? Many teachings say that there is a big self and a little self. Unfortunately, the second we get stuck in trying to define what the self is, we have removed ourselves so far from the self that we become …
Nonduality Explained: Language
Language is a loop: I can only say that language doesn’t describe anything by using language to say that it doesn’t describe anything. That’s a perpetual loop. Language can give vague ideas about things and that’s all. Try to use it for truth and you’re caught in a loop. And yet… language works. What’s cool …