How hard is it to change thinking, to really change the way that we perceive the world? It’s really not that hard. Usually, if we have something going on that’s not working in the way we’re thinking, then we naturally change. Think of a really simple example, like if you’re always angry at everything. There’s …
Author Archives: Zareen
One thing to improve the world
The number one thing to be able to really improve the world, make this a better place, is to not hate humanity. We have to see ourselves as these fabulous creatures that have just gone slightly wrong in our thinking. If we want to really change that thinking so that it can be totally sustainable …
Getting a laugh
I hope that my videos give you a little bit of a laugh at yourself. Hopefully a big laugh at me. To me, the topic of non-duality, of awakening, of spirituality, is a heartwarming, fun celebration. A celebration of how amazing it is to not only be able to live life but to be able …
Spelling and nonduality
Spelling and non-duality, okay… I’m going to tell you the real secret now. Have you ever noticed that words like hierarchy and misogyny are like impossible to spell? Like those are really hard! I mean, you can barely pronounce them, really, much less spell them. (Eye wink) I think it’s a trick to keep us …
Wrong Nonduality
Maybe there should be a rule that if you’re trying to talk about nonduality in words that have more than two syllables, you just got it wrong. Oh! I just used the word “syllable.” I’m wrong.
Nonduality says ‘Just do it’
Published: Sat, 10/21/23 This week we explore the idea that non duality is doable. Not only that… it’s the natural state for a human being. It’s the secret for how we can all live together.
Hierarchy and nonduality
Those of us in the Western world, the civilized world, are captured, all the time, by hierarchy. I see this a lot in non-duality teachings. Very often, people make it so obscure that only the most important of us can grasp it. Huge long words and sentences describing… I don’t know what! I can never …
Blows my mind
It blows my mind that people get so serious about nonduality. Because there is just nothing more fun and full of puns than nonduality!