Powered by Live July 15 3pm MT: Live with Ma Prem Zareen and Friends. We’ll be discussing Adyashanti’s short video: The Certainty of I Am We have a small price on the ticket to prevent spammers. Purchase your ticket and you’ll immediately be sent the Zoom link.
Author Archives: Zareen
Nonduality Explained: Step Out of Yourself
Nonduality explained: Step out of yourself. Seems kind of backwards, and it is. We’re so fixated on our experience and our thoughts that we’ve turned our perceptions of the external world into a real world in our imagination. We’re like sleepwalkers, walking around through life fixated on this illusion that we’re calling ourselves. You need …
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Retelling the Human Story: Food
Nonduality and food. In this series, we’re retelling the story of humanity. We’re sitting around the fire here, having a little talk and retelling who we are. So let’s talk about food. It’s really interesting that nonduality teachers never talk about food, except maybe in the context of should you be a vegetarian or should …
Nonduality Explained: The Self
This one gets so crazy in nonduality discussions. What is the self? Who is the self? Many teachings say that there is a big self and a little self. Unfortunately, the second we get stuck in trying to define what the self is, we have removed ourselves so far from the self that we become …
Nonduality Explained: Language
Language is a loop: I can only say that language doesn’t describe anything by using language to say that it doesn’t describe anything. That’s a perpetual loop. Language can give vague ideas about things and that’s all. Try to use it for truth and you’re caught in a loop. And yet… language works. What’s cool …
Retelling the Human Story: Our Ancestors
Here we are again, sitting around the fire and retelling the story of who we are as human beings. Let’s talk about our ancestors. First of all, let’s note that we are the ancestors for the future. We are creating this world for what comes next. This is a huge responsibility. Looking at that honestly …
Personal Experience
Taking nonduality out of your personal experience is the trick or the secret.
We are conditioned to believe that enlightenment, the non-dual state, is an inner experience. We feel that it resides in our head, that something will change in our head when we become enlightened. But that’s not the case. We know (from even the basic teachings about enlightenment) that it’s about being blended with all things.
Therefore, it actually comes from the outside as much as it comes from the inside… to the point that there is no outside and there is no inside. There is just you, alive and participating in the fullest way that you possibly can.
So forget about the mind. You can’t think yourself out of thinking because it’s your thinker that’s thinking! You can’t think yourself into not thinking.
That’s the trick of nonduality. You simply stop.
Nonduality Explained: A Word is Not True
If it’s a word, it’s not true. Nonduality is trying to get us in touch with the fact that our thoughts constantly cause us to be separate from reality, to be separate from ourselves. Our thoughts feel like they’re very, very loud inside our heads, and we get hypnotized by them; put to sleep by …